Seattle Public Schools

Human Resources


Substitute Information

The Substitute Office coordinates substitute coverage for positions such as Clerical Staff, Paraeducators and Teachers using Frontline Education Absence Management.  Frontline is a substitute placement system that can be accessed by internet or phone.

We support more than 100 schools and programs in our district, and we ask for your commitment to collaborate with us as we support all of our students.

District employees and substitutes can find forms and additional information on the MySPS Substitutes page (login required).

Do you know ASL or Braille?

Please let the Suboffice know if you know ASL, PSE, SEE or Braille. Have you worked with the visually impaired? We periodically have requests from our Special Ed Department for these notable skills.

Are you Bilingual?

Please email the Suboffice and let us know if you are bilingual, and what languages you are fluent so we can update our records. We often have requests from our ELL and International Program department for student support.

Substitute Frequently Asked Questions