Seattle Public Schools

Report on Recent Levies

Report on Recent Education Levies

logo with a stylized school building that says Building for Learning Education Levies

Your tax dollars are supporting Seattle students

Seattle Public Schools (SPS) relies on local, voter-approved levies to help pay for day-to-day operations, and to fund building construction, repairs, renovations, and the technology equipment, services, and support not funded by the state.

Our district has a long history of support from the community to help fund our schools with operational and capital levies. Two of these levies expire in 2025, and replacement levies will be on the February 11, 2025, ballot.

We want to share how Seattle Public Schools is spending funds previously approved by Seattle voters to support academic excellence for all students.

Thank you, Seattle! You continue to make a difference for our students.

Delivering on Our Promises

Our education levies are a promise to the community. This report shows how SPS is delivering on the promises made when voters approved recent levies.

2022 Educational Programs and Operations Levy

  • Levy amount: $646.8 million over three years
  • Levy funds collected: 2023-2025
  • Expires: 2025 and a renewal is on the Feb. 11, 2025, ballot

This levy provides the second largest source of the district’s annual general fund operating budget after state funding. It pays for educational programs and student supports not fully funded by the state.

2019 Building Excellence V Capital Levy (BEX V)

  • Levy amount: $1.4 billion over six years
  • Levy funds collected: 2020–2025
  • Expires: 2025 and a renewal is on the Feb. 11, 2025, ballot

As we continue into the last year of BEX V funding, all major projects are either complete or under construction with Rainier Beach High School opening Spring 2025, John Rogers and Montlake elementary Schools, and Asa Mercer International Middle School opening Fall 2025, and Alki Elementary School opening Fall 2026. While BEX V projects may continue past 2025, no additional revenue will comes in from the levy.

2022 Buildings, Technology, and Academics/Athletics V Capital Levy (BTA V)

  • Levy amount: $783 million over six years
  • Levy funds collected: 2023-2028
  • Expires: 2028

Funding through BTA V capital levy first became available April 2023 with many projects currently under design or in permitting with construction scheduled to begin summer 2025, including the Memorial Stadium replacement project. Again, while BTA V capital levy projects may be scheduled after 2028, no additional revenue will come in from that levy.

2019 Building Excellence V Capital Levy (BEX V)

graphic of a school building

Promised: BEX V Major School Construction Projects

Promised: BEX V School Safety and Security* Improvements

*School names not listed for security improvements

graphic of an ID security badge for accessing buildings
graphic of a hammer and a wrench, representing building improvements

Promised: BEX V School Building Systems Upgrades and Improvements

Elementary (A-L)
Elementary (M-Z)
K-8 Schools
Middle Schools
High Schools
Other Facilities

Promised: BEX V Technology Infrastructure Projects

Core technology to run and secure connectivity and applications

graphic of a computer screen
graphic of a computer screen

Promised: BEX V District Technology Systems and Data Projects

Business, student, human resources, operations, communications, and data systems

Promised: BEX V Student Learning Technology

Hardware, software, and services to directly support instruction and student learning

graphic of an iPad

2022 Buildings, Technology, and Academics/Athletics V Capital Levy (BTA V)

The following information provides an update on projects by main category, then by school.

graphic of a school building

Promised: BTA V School Building Capacity and Condition Improvement Projects

Early Learning addition at John Muir Elementary School

  • Construction in progress
  • 2025: Opens September 2025

Work is in progress to build a new four-classroom early learning addition on the northeast corner of John Muir Elementary. Expanding pre-kindergarten opportunities will better position students for reading by 3rd grade, supporting Seattle Public Schools Strategic Plan goals.

The addition will include:

  • Early Learning classrooms
  • Spaces for before-school and after-school childcare
  • Early learning support spaces
  • A new outdoor play area with age-appropriate play equipment

Promised: BTA V School Safety and Security Upgrades

In progress

graphic of an ID security badge for accessing buildings

graphic of a hammer and a wrench, representing building improvements

Promised: BTA V School Building System Improvements

Elementary (A-J)
Elementary (L-Z)
K-8 Schools
Middle Schools
High Schools
Other Facilities

Promised: BTA V Technology Infrastructure Projects

Maintain and upgrade data center and cloud systems with improvements to the district’s data security and access systems; support school internet connectivity and wireless access to meet higher demands; maintain the computer replacement program.

graphic of a computer screen
graphic of a computer screen

Promised: BTA V District Systems and Data Projects

Improve districtwide student and business systems which support all schools and central office with services such as payroll, purchasing, human resources, finances, budgeting, transportation, health, nutrition, Special Education, scheduling, attendance, managing instruction, grade reporting, and parent communication. Advance Digital Transformation to improve processes, communication, collaboration, compliance, governance, systems integration, and use data-driven decision making to improve results.

Promised: BTA V Student Learning Technology Projects

Maintain, upgrade, and expand classroom, student, and staff technology and resources to provide support across schools as well as technology and professional learning specifically to support school improvement, district programs, and special needs.

graphic of an iPad